What is an Aquatic Use Review (AUR)?

    The Department of Transport (DoT) regularly conducts aquatic reviews across WA, examining the current aquatic use and management of a waterway.  Every four to five years, DoT reviews waterways to see how things are working and investigate ways to improve the safe use and management.

    AURs always include:

    ·  Defining an area of coastal or inland water to be the focus of a review

    ·  An examination of the current and historic aquatic use of that waterway

    ·  Engaging the waterway users and the general boating public in consultation about the waters and how they may be better used or managed

    Why is an aquatic review needed?

    As the population of WA increases so too does the volume and variety of aquatic activities impacting on State waterways. DoT conducts regular aquatic use reviews to ensure the safe, equitable and sustainable use of our waterways.

    Why is an aquatic review needed in Broome?

    The last AUR of waters around Broome was conducted in 2012, making a formal review for the area now due with a number of key changes to aquatic use of the coastline proposed.

    What is the process?

    DoT’s Navigational Safety team implements a set process in conducting AURs to ensure that all views and options are considered prior to any proposals being made and to ensure the broader community can provide their views and feedback on any proposed changes. This begins with stakeholder consultation and once proposals for change are drafted the wider community is asked to provide comment. The Broome AUR community feedback is being invited via the Transport Portfolio consultation portal My Say Transport. 

    How long will it take?

    Timing of an AUR depends on the size and complexity of the focus area. The minimum length or an AUR is approximately six months from the initial determination of a focus area to gazettal of changes to aquatic use. More complex reviews, including local government and intra agency jurisdictions can take longer depending on the scope and scale of the AUR.

    How long will it take?

    Timing of an AUR depends on the size and complexity of the focus area. The minimum length or an AUR is approximately six months from the initial determination of a focus area to gazettal of changes to aquatic use. More complex reviews, including local government and intra agency jurisdictions can take longer depending on the scope and scale of the AUR.

    Why should I get involved?

    If you have a keen interest in boating, participate in aquatic sports or are passionate about our waterways, an AUR provides an opportunity to provide valuable feedback to DoT on the future management of our waterways. DoT relies on your comments to ensure changes reflect the views and opinions of the community while delivering outcomes that provide a safe environment for all waterway users.