Wellington Dam Aquatic Use Review

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Following initial consultation with key stakeholders, the Department of Transport (DoT) is seeking community feedback on proposed changes to aquatic use at Wellington Dam.

When water skiing was gazetted at Wellington Dam in 2014, DoT committed to undertake a formal aquatic use review (AUR) of the waterway if nearby Lake Kepwari became a water ski area. The gazettal in July last year of Lake Kepwari for water skiing signalled the commencement of the current Wellington Dam AUR.

There is stakeholder support for the removal of water skiing from Wellington Dam. This change is sought to preserve the natural amenity of the area and recognise that water skiing is now possible at two nearby waterways; Lake Kepwari and Glen Mervyn Dam.

The draft proposals presented for community feedback would retain the area for passive use activities such as paddle craft, sail and vessels solely fitted with an electric motor on Wellington Dam.

To advance the AUR process we ask that you complete the short survey below providing feedback on the proposed changes.

All your responses will be confidential. Should you have any trouble viewing the survey please contact Navigational Safety at navigational.safety@transport.wa.gov.au

Consultation closes on Friday 17 December 2021.

Image credit - Russell Ord Photography

Following initial consultation with key stakeholders, the Department of Transport (DoT) is seeking community feedback on proposed changes to aquatic use at Wellington Dam.

When water skiing was gazetted at Wellington Dam in 2014, DoT committed to undertake a formal aquatic use review (AUR) of the waterway if nearby Lake Kepwari became a water ski area. The gazettal in July last year of Lake Kepwari for water skiing signalled the commencement of the current Wellington Dam AUR.

There is stakeholder support for the removal of water skiing from Wellington Dam. This change is sought to preserve the natural amenity of the area and recognise that water skiing is now possible at two nearby waterways; Lake Kepwari and Glen Mervyn Dam.

The draft proposals presented for community feedback would retain the area for passive use activities such as paddle craft, sail and vessels solely fitted with an electric motor on Wellington Dam.

To advance the AUR process we ask that you complete the short survey below providing feedback on the proposed changes.

All your responses will be confidential. Should you have any trouble viewing the survey please contact Navigational Safety at navigational.safety@transport.wa.gov.au

Consultation closes on Friday 17 December 2021.

Image credit - Russell Ord Photography

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for participating in the Wellington Dam Aquatic Use Review (AUR). 

    The Department of Transport (DoT) is proposing changes to aquatic use at Wellington Dam and welcomes your feedback.

    To advance the AUR process we ask that you complete the short survey below providing feedback on the proposed changes.  

    The survey should take approximately five minutes to complete.  

    All your responses will be confidential. Should you have any trouble viewing the survey please contact Navigational Safety at  navigational.safety@transport.wa.gov.au.

    The survey questions relate to these proposals.

    Current use is also available for your reference.

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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2022, 12:08 PM